Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wallflowers!! DIY!!

1. Toilet Paper Rolls
2. Glitter
3. Pearl like beads
4. Hot Glue Gun & Sticks
5. Spray Glue
6. Spray Paint!
7. Four clothes pins 

1. Fold in half and then Cut rolls in to 1 1/2 - 2 sections 
Depending on much you want them to come off the walls.
2. Clothes pin the folded rolls into a flowers shape...
Once you got the shape you want remove one of the clothes pin, 
add hot glue between pieces, and then replace clothes pin! (quickly & then repeat)
3. Once glue has set... Spray Paint, [I did mine black :)] then let them dry...
4. Then use spray glue to coat the tops of the flowers
5. Immediately after spraying dip into Glitter!!
6. Hot glue bead on to center, let dry and Enjoy!!

These can go almost anywhere in the house. I put mine on a kitchen wall and everyone loves them.
Just another fun and cheap way to decorate. They can even be used as party decorations! How fun would that be? How about painting them pastel colors for Easter?? Now I'm getting more Ideas just doing the post... haha. I guess thats the way Life goes. Hope you enjoy!

Sorry for bad lighting in the pictures, I took them at night!

Monday, February 27, 2012

DIY glitter clips and my first post in forever= Happiness!

This project was really easy and yes it was as easy as one, two, three. 
I completed this at the office on my lunch break. This project is easy but fun and stylish to. For me this craft was free but if you don't have supplies on hand it will only cost about $5.00! 
But with that you get a whole bag of clips to glitterfy! :D
Also fun for kids who love sparkly things!

Just spray clips with spray glue, dip in glitter and let dry!!

One extra step I did though, to help set the glitter was to give it one little spritz of glue after its done dry. Just to make sure the glitter wasn't going anywhere.
 But the process is kind of messy if your not careful because spray glue gets everywhere!

Hope you have a blast making glitter clips!
I would love to see what you decided to glitterfy go ahead and post your pictures below :)

Small Update!
my mouse pad is still not working but I found a USB mouse in my junk drawer that is taking the place of the pad. It can be a little annoying but I'm thankful I now have full mouse capabilities!! I hope to get it fixed before April but I just don't know when thats going to happen... Will see! But for now I am a proud user of a USB mouse hehe!

O and I've also been busy because my mom decided 
to move to Seattle so as of right now she's currently living with me!

Hope You Have A Great Week!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Technical Difficulties!

I haven't posted anything lately because my computer has been having technical difficulties. Mainly its the mouse pad freaking out on me. I am unable to to drag and drop. Or highlight... Which makes editing photo's and adding photos to a blog very difficult. So until I find the time to go to the Apple store to see if they can fix that problem I am kind of out of luck. I do have a bluetooth mouse but it doesn't right click :( So I need to new mice lol. But as soon as I get these issues fixed I will post a new blog. Actually a lot of new blogs. I can post two a day at the rate I'm going :) Sorry to keep you waiting.... If anyone actually reads my blog. I hope someone out there does and I hope you enjoy it.